The Anorak gets stuff filed and documented

* Welcome to The Anorak's Guide To The Prisoner

* Spoiler Warning - this guide assumes you've actually seen the series, and offers detailed descriptions of plots and characters.

# The only liberties we have taken with the Anorak tribute to this series is in the order I present the episodes. Famously, the order in which the episodes were screened were based upon the order they were completed. The Anorak's Guide to the episodes is presented in a carefully-worked out, logical "order" to improve viewing enjoyment...

* News: The BBC are looking for recollections of the show, see below:

My Science Fiction Life

How has The Prisoner influenced you? Until April 2007, share your recollections about the place science fiction has had in your life. The aim is a collective, user-written autobiography of science fiction.
Right now, 14 users have added their stories about The Prisoner. This compares to 61 for Doctor Who -the classic series and 67 for Blake's Seven.

Come and put the case for The Prisoner!

* Huge new updates planned to the site, last updated January 2007. Celebrating over six years on the net.

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